“Mobo Saiko Hyaku,” or as it’s internationally known, “Mob Psycho 100,” is a Japanese anime series that has left an indelible mark in the hearts of anime aficionados worldwide. Created by ONE, the mastermind behind the acclaimed “One Punch Man,” this series revolves around the life of Shigeo Kageyama, affectionately known as Mob. A young boy maturing into adulthood, Mob grapples with his extraordinary psychic powers under the guidance of his mentor, Reigen Arataka, as he navigates his role in society. With three thrilling seasons and a special OVA, “Mob Psycho 100” has managed to create a massive following, eagerly awaiting news on the much-anticipated fourth season.
The Unresolved Mystery: Season 4’s Existence
The burning question in everyone’s mind is whether “Mob Psycho 100“ will grace our screens with a fourth season. As of now, there’s no official confirmation or release date, leaving fans in a state of suspense and speculation. The journey so far has been a rollercoaster, with the first season airing in July 2016, followed by two more seasons and an OVA dedicated to Reigen, showcasing a hot spring vacation titled “Mob Psycho 100: The Spirits and Such Consultation Office’s First Company Outing – A Healing Trip That Warms the Heart.”
A Deep Dive into the Source and Sales
The key to unlocking the mystery of “Mob Psycho 100” Season 4 lies in two crucial factors: the availability of source material and the series’ profitability. The anime is a direct adaptation of the manga series, which concluded its run with 16 volumes. This implies that by the end of the third season, there might not be enough material left for a fourth installment. However, fans of the manga would agree that experiencing the story through its original literary form is a journey worth undertaking.
When it comes to sales, “Mob Psycho 100” has shown commendable performance. The Blu-ray sales for the first season averaged around 4,800 copies per disk, while the second season sold approximately 1,700 copies. The manga sales also added to the series’ success, with the 15th volume selling around 38,000 copies, and the 16th volume selling 35,000 copies. With over 1.2 million copies in print as of July 2016, and a plethora of merchandise including figurines and collectibles, the series has undoubtedly left a mark in the anime merchandising world.
Anime : Mob Psycho 100 (Promotional artwork) pic.twitter.com/855MyAaacx
— THE MOBAGANDA (@TheMobaganda) October 21, 2023
The Elusive Release Date and Supporting the Franchise
As of January 2023, the air of mystery surrounding “Mob Psycho 100” Season 4’s release date continues. While there’s no official confirmation, fans remain hopeful, trusting in the series’ past performance and popularity. Typically, it takes about 6 to 12 months from the confirmation of a new season to its release. Thus, the anime community is on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting any announcement.
In the meantime, fans can show their support for the franchise by diving into the world of “Mob Psycho 100” merchandise or revisiting the manga series. Whether it’s to admire the intricate details of the collectibles or to experience the story in its original form, there’s no shortage of ways to keep the spirit of “Mob Psycho 100” alive.
The Enigma Continues: A Glimpse into the Future
In conclusion, the future of “Mob Psycho 100” Season 4 remains shrouded in mystery. With no official confirmation and the source material nearing its end, the prospects of a fourth season are uncertain. Nevertheless, the impact of “Mob Psycho 100” on the anime community is undeniable, and its legacy will continue to thrive through its existing